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bed bug treatment from New Mexico Pest Control in Santa Fe & Albuquerque metros and surrounding areas

How to Prevent Bed Bugs in Dorm Rooms

College dorms and rooms are hotspots for bed bugs. Preventing bed bugs in dorm rooms requires learning the signs of an infestation, covering mattresses, and spreading bed bug awareness.

It’s important to keep college students from spreading bed bugs while traveling by:

  1. Inspecting luggage and suitcases for bed bugs
  2. Inspecting second-hand furniture for signs of bed bugs
  3. Always covering mattresses with protective covers
  4. Inspecting room for signs of bed bugs before moving in or out

Bed Bug Problems in Universities

Unfortunately, student housing is a prime target for bed bug infestations. Because universities house individuals from all over the world that travel all the time, bed bug problems are prone to start at any time of the year. When it comes to bed bugs in dorms, it’s important to know where to look. Beds, couches, chairs, baseboards, dressers, and clothing are all susceptible to getting bed bugs. Especially because most dorm room furniture is second hand, it’s important to stay vigilant about looking for signs of infestations.

Can College Students Bring Bed Bugs Home?

Yes! Infestations at home commonly start when college students arrive home for the holidays or summer vacation. To avoid this, make sure your college student takes precautions in packing their suitcase, especially if it was used for other travel plans. In addition, take care in having your college student unpack. Wash all clothing (even clean clothes) in a hot wash, steam-clean the suitcase, and store above ground.

How to Avoid Bed Bugs in College

It’s important for college students to stay proactive about bed bugs. Learning the signs and communicating any suspicions of an infestation is extremely important. Bed bugs can easily spread from one dorm room to another, making it important to deal with the problem as soon as possible. By keeping a tidy room, covering your mattress, and taking care while traveling, you can lessen the risk of bed bugs in dorm rooms.

How to Prevent Bed Bugs in Dorm Rooms in Santa Fe and Albuquerque NM

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