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Where Do Bees Go For the Winter?

 In Pest Control, Pest Control Tips, Pest Prevention

Spring is a season that many of us look forward to every year. With new growth, sunshine, and warm weather all around, there are many reasons to love spring, but one feature that many loathe is the resurgence of all sorts of insect populations. One kind of bug that comes to mind first when we think of spring is bees. Bees are essential ecological contributors in all kinds of climates during the warm seasons, but they seem to disappear when it gets cold. Where do bees go in the winter? Read on to learn from New Mexico Pest Control!

Do Bees Hibernate When It Gets Cold?

You have probably noticed the dramatic decrease in bees around your property from the summer to the winter. So, what do bees do in the winter if they aren’t pollinating plants? That answer varies by bee species. Here’s how three of the bees that we commonly see here in Santa Fe NM deal with the winter:

  • Bumblebees: Sadly, bumblebees all die off during the winter. The queen bee, though, will survive by digging herself a warm hole in the ground or taking shelter in a hollow log, compost pile, or empty bird’s nest.
  • Honey bees: While male honey bees will die off once winter rolls around, the female worker bees will stay in the hive, surrounding the queen and collectively vibrating to stay warm. They survive on the honey they collected in the fall.
  • Carpenter bees: Carpenter bees are solitary creatures that fend for themselves during the winter. They usually retreat to the nest tunnels that they came from to hibernate when it gets cold.

How to Prepare for Spring Bees During the Winter

Some people enjoy having bees in their yard, but this always comes with the risk of stings. Even worse, if you allow a population to develop on your property, they could end up nesting in the eaves of your home or inside your walls. You can prevent this from happening by taking these steps during the winter:

  1. Repair any open gaps or cracks in your home that bees could sneak through
  2. Choose to garden further away from your home
  3. Keep your yard tidy to prevent bees from nesting in overgrowth
  4. Fill in any holes that animals have burrowed in your yard to prevent nesting sites
  5. Cover your outside trash and recycling bins, preferably with sealable lids

Need Help Bee-Proofing Your Home for Spring?

If you want an expert’s opinion on the best ways to prepare your home for a spring full of bees in Santa Fe NM, reach out to your local pest control company. At New Mexico Pest Control, we have a deep understanding of the environmental impact that bees make every year, so we prioritize safe and humane removal methods that leave toxic insecticides in the past. For a free quote, contact our bee removal team today!

Where Do Bees Go For the Winter in Santa Fe and Albuquerque NM?

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