Rock Spider

Actual Size: 1/6″ to 1/2″ (not including legs)

Characteristics: Rock spiders have very long legs, and females are typically up to twice the size of males.

Legs: 8

Habitat: Can most often be found in dewey crevices in nature or along fences.


  • They spin fine, net-like horizontal webs inside of crevices found in logs, fences, and retaining walls.
  • Rock spiders hide in crevices and retreat into their webs during the daytime.
  • Females cover their egg sacs with debris to better camouflage them.

Rock Spiders in Santa Fe and Albuquerque NM

Rock spiders are best known for having long, spindly legs that make them appear much larger than they actually are. Female spiders are larger than their male counterparts, sometimes almost double the size. As with most spiders, the best way to identify a rock spider is by its unique web. Rock spider webs are incredibly fine to the point where they are often difficult to see.

Rock Spider Behavior

Like many spiders, rock spiders dwell in hidden places suitable for weaving their webs. They aren’t seen often and are most likely in their webs awaiting their prey. Their webs can be quite large, enabling them to catch prey easier. After mating, females lay egg sacs, which can contain up to 100 eggs, and often camouflage them with surrounding debris for protection.

Rock Spider Prevention

As with any spider, the best prevention is keeping your yard and the area surrounding your home tidy. You can eliminate spots they may dwell in by uncovering rocks and sweeping around your landscape and fences. If you are worried about rock spiders near your home, it’s always best to contact a professional for further guidance or help.

Say Goodbye To Rock Spiders. Get Started Today!